Mar Gregorios Karunya Nilayam conducted a free medical camp at Pathamuttam on 20-02-2011. The venue of the camp was the Campus of "Sleeba Orthodox Church" Pathamuttam. The camp was in co-operation with Kottayam Ladies Circle No 48, R.P.S. Pathamuttam and Lions Club Chinganavam. Doctors from different department such as Orthopedics, Gynecology, Pediatrics and General Medicine participated. They were examined the patients and issued free medicines.
A free Eye Care Camp was also conducted there simultaneously with the help of Little Flower Hospital, Angamali and Blind Society, Kottayam. Eye specialists from the hospital were attended. During the camp, 106 patients were diagnosed Cataract disease and they have undergone fully-free "Cataract Surgery" , at Little Flower Hospital, Angamali soon.
A free Eye Care Camp was also conducted there simultaneously with the help of Little Flower Hospital, Angamali and Blind Society, Kottayam. Eye specialists from the hospital were attended. During the camp, 106 patients were diagnosed Cataract disease and they have undergone fully-free "Cataract Surgery" , at Little Flower Hospital, Angamali soon.